Tag Archives: dying

Never Live Inside Your Head! You Won’t Make it Out Alive!


WOW! It’s been a while since I wrote…never fear, Captain Crazy is HERE!

I seriously have some of the craziest conversations in my head that freak me right out to the point that I tell someone and then when I say it out loud, I FINALLY get how silly they sound!

Take for instance the past two days….Fernando Nino has gone away for 3 weeks with his daughter and I am on my own….what I have realized is that I am 37 years old and have NEVER been on my own for that long….I have always had family, roommates, partners…but NEVER alone…..

I started to get a cold again….like I seem to get every 3-4 weeks this past year and in my head I began to worry that I may die…and no one is here so how would anyone know if I did? I know I know….rather morbid…but there it was…crazy thought….ruling the last 48 hours of my life!  I started to see it like I am the gardener of my life…only I have a “black thumb” for gardening so trying to stay alive for the next 3 weeks may prove difficult….I mean…I have to take care of my health (not be a hypochondriac about it!), feed myself, not get injured, take care of the dog…make sure HE doesn’t die….man this (in my head) became a lot more responsibility than I had ever had before!

My friend Cheryl called me yesterday to ask me how I was in the middle of all these stressful thoughts I was having…

Cheryl: Hey! How’s it going on your own?

Me: Not good….do you know I could die and nobody would know?

Cheryl: What?

Me: Yeah, so I have this cold back and all I can think is what if I get so sick and die….nobody is home and Watson (my dog) would starve to death because I couldn’t feed him and then Fernando comes home in 3 weeks and nobody made it out alive because I was by myself….

Cheryl: (long silence…..) HAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH…….Really? This is what you have been thinking about? You know if you thought you were sick enough that you might die…you could call me and I would take you to the hospital?

Me: Ya, I actually know that and actually telling you this….I see that I just have a bit of a cold and I am a little crazy with too much time by myself….HAHAHAHAHAHAHA….wow…active imagination OVER HERE!

Cheryl: Uh, yeah….

Me: I am still going to the doctor tomorrow….just to check it out…

Cheryl: Okay

Me: Thanks for not judging my Crazy!

Cheryl: Anytime…that’s what friends are for!

I text her this morning that I was alive….you know…just in case she was worried my cold got me….

The moral of this story(if there really is one): Don’t wait until your 37 to spend 3 weeks by yourself….and true friends will never judge your Crazy…and they will give you a ride to the hospital if need be!472773_296225047114142_1587165549_o