Tag Archives: netflix

Let The Random Chat Commence!


Bet you thought you would never hear from me again….I am sorry for leaving you.

I am sorry I am back to fill your lives with more random writings!

Love! Love will keep us together…think of me babe whenever….

Actually it will keep us together because I have ran out of room to store all this crazy in my brain and need a place to document it all.  Steven Spielberg has got nothing on the crap that rolls around in this noodle!

My latest obsession is nail polish….50 Shades of Nail Polish…..I think I would be more interested in that movie then the one the claims to be about s & m but then from what I hear…was pretty bad….like I would rather watch paint dry over seeing that…..that was mean…I mean…..nope, I got nothing good to say on that so as my mom says…don’t say anything at all….I suppose I should have erased this whole paragraph then…sorry mom….can’t do it!

Oh wait! Switch!!!! Friends on Netflix….DAMN YOU NETFLIX!!!

I am thankful I have started season 10….I can’t stop….it is seriously out of control….It’s not like I don’t know what happens…I spent TEN years of my life watching Friends and here I am again (Only in fast forward and spanning over a couple of months….no commercials ROCKS)….I think Friends must have been a cult….It clearly leaves you wanting more….wanting to know how many more wedding will Ross have? Who will hook up with who next? How does Monica keep that apartment so clean? Will Joey……what will Joey do?  Ahh…..they just don’t make TV like this anymore….I started watching Different Strokes for a while….then came The Facts of Life….so happy I found Friends…good old clean comedy is a tough on to find now!

NETFLIX is evil. Evil I tell you! Make it STOP….(I am totally kidding….if Cheers were on there….I would lose another year of my life!)

Ciao for now!
