Tag Archives: pig’s

Random Thoughts Cause Trouble Between The Ears!


This Crazy Canadian has been all sorts of busy lately….with an impending wedding due to silly putty proposals…finding my old sticker book and pictures(this will keep me busy procrastinating for HOURS)….to doing laundry and cooking while running a business and walking the dog….life has been looking pretty full these days…..

So why do I make myself wrong for “not doing enough?”….oh yeah….cuz I am human which makes me “crazy”! lol….I do laugh but there is some truth to that….

I mean, I could be having the most awesome day and my brain will literally turn to “OMG…..what am I not doing that I should be doing right now?”  I can make the most awesome presentation ever….literally ROCK the platform and then my mind goes “but you said that one dumb thing….you actually ruined it all…” (am I the only one who has nutty thoughts like this? I better not be! You best be admitting your own ‘crazy’ right now….)

The saying “live every day like it was your last”….I love this saying, however, my brain listens to it like “hurry up!! You are not going to be here tomorrow so you gotta get everything done today!”…..

Trying to plan a wedding that will re-arrange people’s molecules about what a wedding must look like is kind of fun! I am not really one for doing anything ‘traditional’ (I know you are super shocked and think I am lying right now!) I like to go out of my way to do things that will leave most people guessing….like the time I jumped on a plane with 3 suitcases and moved to Ontario….Yep! That one left people guessing for a while…..including me….”WTH was I thinking??” It all worked out but that is a great example of one of those moments…..

I am an impulse shopper too…..who am I kidding, I just love to shop….not in stores though anymore….I am an online shopper….like I have to find the perfect shoes….dresses…work out gear….movies and cd’s and I must do it at the click of my keyboard…..going into a store now would entail me waiting for a change room, trying on a million different things, then deciding I don’t like any of it and leaving to the next store….

Why am I telling you all of this…..I really don’t know….HAPPY WEDNESDAY!!! ….SQUIRREL!! Where is that squirrel???…..I don’t know…..bzzzzzz……laundry is done…..okay bye!


Happy Pig Day! 

(I made this day up but I think pig’s should be honored…so many good things come from and because of pigs….don’t tell me you haven’t thought about that before!)